Saturday, May 30, 2020

Unique Value Proposition, Professional Executive Resume Writing Service

Unique Value Proposition, Professional Executive Resume Writing Service Have you ever connected with someone new, enjoyed the brilliancy of their smile, the ebullience of their voice and the mutual passion for a hobby? Have you experienced such instant-connections abruptly taking a nosedive?That was me last night as my husband and I sat at the bar in our boathouse, basking in the glow of the sunset.When Conversations Turn PushyAfter 10 minutes of lighthearted banter with neighboring boaters, the mood cracked.   The wifes enthusiasm for working out, and her bootcamp program at the local fitness studio swallowed up the conversation. Politely, and with initially genuine interest, I inquired and listened to the program specifics. Her muscular, lean physique and energy as a 50-something year-old woman proved that her regimen worked! I was intrigued!She described how this was a recent achievement, having once weighed in at 200 lbs! I was sold.However, she then pressed me to attend her classes in a location inconvenient to me, and the conversation took a nosedi ve. I mentioned my home gym, but she virtually rolled her eyes. I promised to keep her classes in mind, yet she scoffed and said, Yeah, thats what everyone says! She insisted my work-from-home advantage availed me to attend her 8 am classes.My interest waned.Social Networking Gone AwryAs I thought more about the one-way conversation, it resonated with recent social networking gone awry. Interest that was sparked by genuine affection for someones expertise, experience and/or deliverables led to commenting on or sharing their content.Several conversations extended offline. Because Im highly selective and will winnow out interlopers, those interactions were mutually valuable, most of the time. Occasionally, however, a persons social and professional courtesies crumbled. They began a hard sell of opinions and expertise, implying they knew what was best for me, insisting I hear them out, despite signals to the contrary.Instead of trusting that their unique value proposition was visible, through their engaging blog posts, and well-articulated website, LinkedIn, Instagram, Facebook, etc. channels, they began drowning me in insights and sales pitches.How Careerists Can Exude Their Value PropositionSimilarly, I believe careerists who are availing their value to potential employers should reconsider pushy behaviors online and in person.While proactively focusing in on and reaching out to key decision makers with targeted, powerful messaging is commendable, knowing when to retreat is admirable, as well. Enabling room for the courted to make the next move versus pressuring or inundating them is advisable.As well, knowing how to listen and respond effectively to the employers assertions, questions and particular needs is imperative. Empathizing, customizing your responses and then simply exiting the conversation for the time being are admirable traits. Let the conversation sink in; interested parties will return to engage in their own time. As well, consider the art of gen tle, pressure-less follow-up at a later date.Take the time to pull through the unique threads of your value story into a cohesive message. Avail it in concise, digital formats so hiring decision makers can easily find and digest whats important to them, at their own speed. Pull them in versus pushing your message onto your target audience. This strategy is a magical formula that often works, and is often preferred.When it comes to articulating your unique value proposition for your target audience, I can help. I am a Certified Master Resume Writer (CMRW) and Career Strategist. Writing storied content for high-level executives, entrepreneurs + small- to mid-size businesses is my focus. Facts-gathering is essential; I also delve beyond the bottom line to emote your value. Contact me for more information.

Wednesday, May 27, 2020

Career Transition From Banking To HR Assistant

Career Transition From Banking To HR AssistantCareer change can be stressful in itself but to see that your potential in the job market is eroding up, then you need to get the career change resume writing tips for transition from banking to HR assistant. You are no doubt well aware of the fact that the job market is highly competitive and a lot of applicants are waiting for an opportunity to work for you. Your resume and your life are tightly entwined and if either one of them is not updated and written properly, then the chances of getting a new job and of getting into a new organization gets almost impossible.How can you get the appropriate career transition from banking to HR assistant? You need to make sure that you are using certain information on your resume that will give you the required edge to your job. Here are some things that you need to consider on your resume. These resume writing tips for transition from banking to HR assistant may prove to be of immense help.The firs t thing that you need to remember on your resume is to write about your achievements. The main objective of a resume is to show the person who reads it the things that he has achieved so far. If you have created a lot of good things out of your time in banking and you have made a huge impact on the bank, then this will show on your resume. But, if you are saying all these without doing anything to fulfill these things or being successful in any way, then this may not prove very useful on your part. Try to show your achievements in some useful field or in some other area of your life that you have excelled in.Now, we are now going to talk about the career transition from banking to HR assistant. It can be stressful in itself and when the banker who has got transferred to a particular company finds himself working as an assistant in the HR department of the company, it can be very demoralizing. Therefore, the best career transition from banking to HR assistant is making yourself and y our job feel like it is a comfort zone for you.First, you need to forget about your career transition completely. Rather, you should not try to focus on your job or your bank. Your career transition will come only when you realize that your career is dependent on your bank. Therefore, don't focus on your bank at all and forget about your job.Secondly, you need to make sure that you are mentally prepared for your career transition. You need to be in the right frame of mind before you move into this career change. Also, be aware of the fact that there is a lot of competition in this sector. Therefore, take advantage of the people who will be the bridge between you and the bank.You will meet many people during your career transition and you have to make sure that you are happy and comfortable with your new team. Take the help of your friends and family members. You can also use online communities where people of the same profession are easily found.Another resume writing tips for trans ition from banking to HR assistant is to make sure that you have your head on straight. If you are not feeling so good about your job or you have a fear that you are losing your sanity here, then you need to do something about it. You need to start making up your mind and having fun in your career.

Saturday, May 23, 2020

Is It Time to Step Out of Your Comfort Zone - Personal Branding Blog - Stand Out In Your Career

Is It Time to Step Out of Your Comfort Zone - Personal Branding Blog - Stand Out In Your Career Being of strong mind with determination to succeed will land you improved opportunities. The same will get you in the door of the companies to which you wish to sell as well as in front of the higher level people with whom to connect online. As far as business development is concerned, it is important to focus on what you enjoy most. But life sometimes gets in the way and problems arise from: Lack of experience Feeling of obligation to continue the same The best revenue stream is the least enjoyable endeavor Uncertainty of how or where to  change Lack of confidence in stepping up your game Live life to its fullest potential both personally and professionally to ensure no regrets. All of these reasons are usually tied in together. It’s more difficult for the people starting out. They have the most to learn, observe, implement and revamp. Most people feel as if they are starting at the bottom of the barrel and wonder if they will ever make it out. Maintaining a long-term vision at all times will help to keep motivation steady, and encourage one to persevere. Acknowledging the little milestones will enhance the joyful experience of seemingly climbing out of the barrel. Once you feel you are experiencing daylight, revise your larger vision for accomplishment. Make this a semi-annual habit. This will put your progress on the fast track. Success always takes longer than expected, but by working relentlessly working toward your bigger vision, it will come. As success arrives at your doorstep, and you feel you are on more of an even keel, it’s time to meditate next steps. Continually review and question where you have come from and where you are headed. If money and obstacles were of no issue, what and who would you ultimately like to become? Delve into the pros and cons for what you believe you truly wish to grow into. Determine if the reasons against the idea are too great, or if you will be able to get past those hurdles too. Then create a new plan for what needs to be in place to help you to get there. Enthusiasm is an essential piece for advancing where you wish to go. Begin telling close friends and peers what’s foremost on your mind. Brace yourself for hearing very negative comments. Nevertheless, take the negative into consideration just to be certain you do not gloss over anything. And then take the brilliant advice you hear and implement that into your plan. By carefully considering the negative thought with the brilliant advice, you will then have a balanced approach for your new vision. And you will be better prepared for appealing to a wider audience. The benefit from having done all of this is that you will supercharge your success by having stepped out of your comfort zone. You will be admired for also having developed a strong personal brand. As success becomes yours, find ways through various forms of communication to share the best of what you have learned. This will then launch you into the position of leader in your field. Stepping out of your comfort zone will lead you to the Smooth Sale!

Tuesday, May 19, 2020

5 Key Elements of a Social Media Campaign (Podcast #50) - Classy Career Girl

5 Key Elements of a Social Media Campaign (Podcast #50) Today I‘d like to introduce you to one of the top digital experts that I had the pleasure to interview a few months ago in my Corporate Rescue Plan membership community. I wanted to open up this special interview with you all on the podcast because I was blown away by the amazing content she shared about how to create your social media campaign. It’s my pleasure to introduce you to Vix Reitano today. Let’s dive into the 5 Key Elements of a Social Media Campaign. Click play below or  right click here and save link as  to download or subscribe on iTunes  here on this link: If you are enjoying our podcast, please leave us a review on iTunes! It would mean the world. Thank you! What Vix shares in this interview really helped me figure out how to better create our own social media campaing for our entire Classy Career Girl team, how to decrease our overwhelm by scheduling our content in advance and where to find amazing content ideas for our blog and social media. Creating your digital presence is so very important whether you are job searching or growing your own business so that is why this interview will help you unleash your digital superstar. And since I didn’t mention it in the actual interview, I wanted to also make sure that Vix wants to invite you to her next upcoming webinar and you can learn more about that at And I’ll also have that link on the blog as well if you stop by and look for episode 50. How to Create a Posting Schedule You are a curator. You are a trusted source that delivers quality information. When you first start to build a connection, its important that your first impression is a solid one. You dont get a second chance online normally. Its important to find your tribe, keep them online and shine online. Each of you has an inner digital superstar inside of you and this is the year to let it out. I call it digital media.  Your job is to get your clients wherever you are. Digital media includes land pages, leadpages and guest blogging and gathering all references on the web. Connecting the whole package as a digital superstar is so much better. My daily routine. I manage 10 additional accounts in addition to my two brands. It can be a beast. The way I start my day (I dont have children so my routine is easy). I like to start the day with checking Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook. I also use Timehop which is an app that allows you to look back at 7 years of posts. In an instant, it tells you what you posted a year ago today. You can see how it did and it gives you the types of articles you can recycle. I do batch posting and recycling. I dont check emails after I finish social. I find email distracts you from social. I try to take at least 2 hours to be completely disconnected.  You cant be more creative if you are constantly stuck in social. You figure out what your flow is. I jump back into social by 3-4 when I jump back into social media. I even shut off all notifications on my phone because that can mess up your flow when you are trying to do other work. Block an hour each day and you can go into your Facebook groups and catch up without doing it every 5 seconds. 5 Key Elements of a Social Media Campaign 1.  What is your message? Think about 3-5 people that you want to model on social media. Who do you want to be like? Find other people to connect with and monitor to give you content ideas when you are tapped. I even get tapped for ideas. I have 5 people that I follow with and make sure I am staying in line with what works for the audience I am trying to attract. Content inspiration is out there. Start with a solid foundation for inspiration. Every day when you have your allocated time for social, go to their feeds, take some screenshots to get some inspiration. Youll also determine if you are a content creator or curator. Most of us are creators 5-10% of a time and thats ok. Curators  find great pieces of content and push them out. When you have your five brand identity individuals, you can take content from them and re-share it and that is a post. Its great to use guest posts for this as well. You can come up with more content and reach a broader audience. Make sure that the content you create is worth of creation because you want to be a trusted source for your followers  so your followers will share. 2. What type of content will you create? Videos or are you more of a visual learner? This is figuring out what type of content you will create and how you will share it. If you take a day this week, I would call it Super Saturday. Treat it like a regular day. Get up and get coffee. Block the time and treat it like a day at work. All day work on your brand. Batch social media. Take 2 hours on Facebook posts for the whole month. I recommend on a Facebook page, 1-2 posts per day at the minimum. For example, my page only has a little over 250 followers and my organic reach is over 2,000 per week and that is really good because I shouldnt be reaching that many people but I have others re-sharing. You dont have to create a lot of content, just create 1-2 great pieces that continue to get shared all week. Organic reach = more brand identity online. I try to do that the first or second week of the month. Its not always easy. Sometimes you have a typo or you dont get everything done. Keep your brands super positive because people do read your energy online. Remember this. People are looking to you as a guide and its important to set an example. Keep your content as positive as possible. A lot of times I do quote cards. Motivation Monday is a great hashtag to jump into. That usually picks me up 2-3 followers per week. You can use to create a batch of quote cards fast. 3.  How will you plan? Take that day if you can. If you cant, I try to batch posts every Sunday.  Twitter planning is best if you can do it with 1-2 posts per day that are planned. But if you can organically be on twitter, thats how you will get a better connection. Not everyone is sharing the same content every day. When I schedule posts, I do it through Sprout Social. I like them because they integrate with Feedly. I am all about making sure the time spent doing one activity, can be used for other things. If you use HootSuite and set up hashtags that are relevant for your brand, if you just have 20 minutes to jump in and share per your hashtags on Twitter. Setup different tracking systems. Instagram is really great because it allows you to be more personal and bring people behind the scenes. If you dont have time to post live, you can use [RELATED: 6 Ways to Simplify Social Media] 4. How Will You Create the Content? Maybe you need a whole day. Maybe you need to do 4-5 videos at once. The best way to do video content is to actually get rolling and never stop. When you are finished with one video, you smile and count to five in your head so that gives you a break in the video. I also do that when I do Facebook posts. I pick my main content sharing platform. I write all my FB posts for the month and pick up the shortest ones with links and I put them on Twitter right away. That gives me 15 tweets. Which of these would be the most visually appealing? Then, I go to Instagram. You can do it in reverse if you want to create your Instagram content first. If Twitter is your preferred platform, you can embed your tweets into your blog and make a post. That becomes a post for Facebook and Twitter. Its important to think about how you use the posts you are doing on other platforms. You can also embed a whole Facebook post on your blog. Then you are driving traffic to your website and they can learn about your services and your background. Leverage multiple platforms. Every month I like to use a google calendar, I put the times I post. I like to look where I think it would fit based off last months calendar. If I create a post for 11am, 3pm and 7pm two Mondays ago, I will do different times to test what times did better. That helps when I am creating new content. If people arent engaging at all, then you can say maybe Twitter isnt the platform for me anymore. Maybe I should be a curator and retweet content. Steps 3 and 4 go together. Planning and creating go together. Make sure you watch your analytics. Sprout  is $90 per month. Hootsuite is free. Sprout is really helpful, though. It gives you nice reports. 5. How will you manage your brand and your message? Dont miss opportunities. Even just geotagging your location where you are. I shared a post of a local photo of an event I had there about a year ago. They re-posted a few days ago and tagged me and commented. You really want to make sure you tag the brand whether its a location or a brand in the photo. At the end of the day, you never know when they will be active again. Once a larger brand mentions you, you can get at least 5 new followers. Look at comments and see what people say about your posts. Its nice to say thank you and see if they have any questions. Thats general community management. The best way to plan for the holiday is to ask for help. Whether it is an intern or a kid and anyone who has a good sense of the way social media works. I create a response grid which is the most commonly asked questions with 3-4 responses that you or someone you delegate to can say to your followers. There is nothing wrong with taking a break. Theres nothing wrong with a digital detox. Automate your posts within reason so that you can step away and have people engage with you while you stepped away. Thanks Vix! Make sure you check out her website and videos!

Saturday, May 16, 2020

Writing a Cover Letter For a Resume Without Word Processing Skills

Writing a Cover Letter For a Resume Without Word Processing SkillsWriting a cover letter for a resume without word processing skills could easily give you the same look of writing a haiku. This is a phrase that makes people scratch their heads, go 'hmm'wait', and then go and solve the problem. At least they say it was a haiku. Still, it's a phrase that can get your resume noticed and recognized.The reason why is because it does show self-assurance. Your CV or application documents in which you have put all your achievements and qualifications can be called more 'smooth' if you're able to come up with an impressive cover letter. It gives people a sense of confidence that you've done what you said you have done and more importantly that you know what you're talking about. Not to mention that this is your resume.Your resume doesn't stand for just you; it has to stand for the qualities that you bring to the job. You should have one. Writing a cover letter for a resume without word proces sing skills is therefore crucial to a good resume. You need to understand that you're giving your resume another purpose. It isn't just a checklist for you to tick.The point you have to remember here is that this touchy subject of writing a cover letter for a resume without word processing skills is not something that should be taken lightly. There is the great opportunity to impress and attract the employer is going to need to read a resume before he even considers having a thought about hiring you.If you're an amateur when it comes to writing a cover letter for a resume, don't worry. What you need to do first is to make sure that you've got the skills that are needed to get a job that you're applying for. Check out your resume and try to determine what are the areas that need to be covered.Knowing what your end results are going to be when it comes to this issue is paramount. And that's what is important and effective when it comes to writing a cover letter for a resume without wo rd processing skills.Don't worry too much if it seems difficult. It's going to take some effort on your part, but you need to understand that this is a skill that needs to be honed. And when you do, you'll see that writing a cover letter for a resume without word processing skills will become more simple.This touchy subject of writing a cover letter for a resume without word processing skills is not something that should be taken lightly. There is the great opportunity to impress and attract the employer is going to need to read a resume before he even considers having a thought about hiring you.

Wednesday, May 13, 2020

New Years Career Resolutions That Work

New Years Career Resolutions That Work Were into 2019 and you might be getting sucked back into the daily grind. Before you lose sight of all the optimism you felt when the ball dropped, consider setting some career-focused resolutions like these:Heres to you achieving all your career dreams and goals in 2019. Happy New Year!Get out of the daily grind once a quarter. Treat yourself to a long weekend escape in a vibrant city or a week-long career-focused retreat. You’ll be in a better mindset to break through the barriers and do some fresh thinking about your career.Catch yourself complaining and instead cultivate an attitude that supports you. As you think so shall you be so carve out time to actively work on improving your mindset with structured programs like a mastermind group. Understand where your beliefs are limiting you and expand your network to include positive people whove done what youre looking to do.Let go of how and start sharing what. Most people dont share their dreams because they arent sure how to mak e them happen. But the beauty of it is, that when you share, you give others a chance to help you make your dreams come true. In a recent podcast, I shared the story of a young woman who literally set her artist free. But she didnt get there by pushing her way through endless to do lists, she did it by sharing her dreams and ideas with friends, colleagues, and other artists. Before long, she had ideas and suggestions from those in the know on how to take the next steps to get closer to her own dreams of a dedicated artist studio (which she has today!)Let go of fear come from inspiration. People make career decisions too often from a place of fear where they feel theyll have to do something they dont like just to earn a paycheck. This year, suspend all doubt and allow yourself the freedom to believe that what you want is not only possible, it will earn you a great living. Write out a vision of your ideal day where you do work you love and get paid for. Write it in the present tense as if it’s already happening. Then read it everyday. You’ll soon be inspired with action steps and ideas to make your vision a reality.

Friday, May 8, 2020

Ensuring Your Career Relocation Is A Seamless Experience - CareerAlley

Ensuring Your Career Relocation Is A Seamless Experience - CareerAlley We may receive compensation when you click on links to products from our partners. Your Career Relocation So, you landed a new role, or have been promoted in your job, and it requires you to relocate; congratulations. Moving to a new area for work is an exciting opportunity and a positive part of your life, so its time to stop worrying and make the most of it. Sometimes, a career relocation can be a little overwhelming and intimidating; youre venturing into the unknown and will want to settle into your new home, job, and way of life as soon as possible. With plenty of preparation and organization; youll be able to make the move as stress-free as possible and can begin looking forward to a new beginning. The following are some tips and ideas for those who are relocating for work and want to make the change in their career as seamless and positive as possible. As with any move, relocating for a job can be a complicated and stressful process. But the good news is that youve been recognized as a valuable asset to your new company or office, and employers are typically more than willing to help make your transition a smooth one. Photo by Auskteez Tran on Unsplash Clear Your Mind, Take a Holiday Sounds like a strange way to start your new adventure, but taking a short vacation prior to your relocation is a way for you to clear your mind, get some rest and plan your focus for the next phase of your career. Go somewhere you havent been before like a Caribbean island or a casino resort (maybe you will get a chance play the Mohegan Sun Casino Bonus Code). Sort Out, Prepare, And Organize The first thing on your moving agenda should be all the admin and paperwork that youll need in place for a successful house and career move. Arriving at your dream jobwith the correct documents and a thorough knowledge of what you need to do in your first few weeks will help to get your job off to the best start. Take some of the stress out of moving day by pre-arranging storage facilities and removal companies so that all your belongings are where you need them to be when you arrive. Its worth packing a few cases and boxes full of items and clothing that youll need for work, and loading them into your car. Having your new career essentials on your person will give you the peace of mind that you have all you need on your nerve-wracking first day. Photo by Igor Ovsyannykov on Unsplash Check out your new local amenities and the company culture before you arrive; this will give you a sense of your new environment, and you can adapt, pack, and settle in accordingly. You can always try to connect with fellow colleagues before you arrive too; a simple email introducing yourself through Linkedin or directly to peoples work email will ensure they know whos on their way to work with them. Building work relationships early will help with your transition, and youll get off to a positive start with the team. Socialize Outside the Office Environment Your first few weeks settling into your new job and home will be full-on and exhausting, so your first instinct will be to go straight home at the end of the week. However, its worth making an effort to get to know the rest of the workforce outside of the office environment. Perhaps you could organize dinner or drinks on a Friday night or ask to meet up over the weekend; it will be the perfect way to strengthen work relationships and to make friends. Youll get an inside knowledge of your new company from those who have worked there for a while, and theyre likely to help you discover your new area too. It might be tiring and a challenge to settle into your new life; however, the more effort you put in at the start, the better your future there will be. What's next? Ready to take action? Choose the right tools to help you build your career. Looking for related topics? Find out how to find the opportunities that help you grow your best career. Subscribe and make meaningful progress on your career. It’s about time you focused on your career. Get Educated Contact Us Advertise Copyright 2020 CareerAlley. All Rights Reserved. Privacy Policy + Disclosure home popular resources subscribe search